Investing in the business
of women’s health
women's health across various indications, modalities, and key geographies.
Our Investment Pillars

medical needs in female patients, across
diseases from female specific to general
health conditions that affect females
differently or disproportionately

Clinical and
Scientific Bar
grounded in scientific evidence,
meeting regulatory standards,
and protected by patents

Multiple Modalities
& Business Models
therapeutics, digital health,
healthcare services, and
consumer solutions

Presence in
Key Geographies
and Israel
Our team
Kidron’s portfolio

Area: Chemotherapy access via vascular port
Shifting the paradigm in chemotherapy via a novel, vascular port, accomplishing both ease of placement and aesthetic sensibilities of female patients.
Notable investors: MedVenture Health

Area: PCOS
Developing a breakthrough technology to restore ovulation in women with PCOS, a condition affecting 10% of women of child-bearing age.
Notable co-investors: Sofinnova Partners, Bpifrance, Trill Impact

Area: AKI prevention in Cardiac Surgery
Addressing the increased susceptibility of women developing acute kidney injury (AKI) following cardiac surgery. The technology is on the market and generating significant sales in Saudi Arabia and Europe.
Notable investors: Abiomed (by Johnson & Johnson)

Area: Longevity
Leveraging clinically demonstrated insights on age related mitochondrial dysfunction to rejuvenate skin.
Collaborations with high-end longevity clinics in Switzerland and the Nordics.

Area: Maternal Health
Advancing maternal health via a novel self-retaining surgical retractor specifically designed to address the unique challenges of C-sections, which are the most common surgeries in the world, particularly for women with high BMI.
Notable c-investors: EQT Life Sciences, Texas Medical Center Venture Fund